
Saying Yes to Life Action Plan

Following our reading of Saying Yes to Life we have started a plan of action to continue our environmental stewardship. These are just the immediate steps we are taking.  Please stay tuned for additional items we hope to add to this plan:

  1. Hold occasional outdoor services at Bethany House of Prayer in the spring, summer or fall.

  2. Use recycled copy paper, paper towels and toilet paper at the church..

  3. Check to see if our energy source at St. John’s, IFPL (Interfaith Power and Light), uses 100% green energy, or if not what the percentage is.

  4. Continue to grow our garden with plants that continue to attract pollinators. 

  5. We will make a list of seeds and/or plants that could be donated and planted in the garden to mark special occasions. 

  6. We will ask the next door neighbors if they are watering the tree in front of their yard. If not we will “adopt a tree” through the town of Arlington.

  7. Decide upon another small tree, bush or hedge to plant somewhere on the church property.

  8. Educate the Parish about TearFund, USA and do some kind of fundraiser or special offering for the organization.