
Our Community and Beliefs

Our Community and Beliefs

Our Mission
The mission of St. John’s Episcopal Church is to be a vibrant faith community where lives are transformed by a close relationship with God and where all adults and children experience the dignity and grace of God’s unconditional love. We share the good news of God’s love to all, through fellowship with our neighbors, and through our service in partnership with the greater community.

Our Vision
We seek to always deepen our participation in God’s call for us individually, and communally. Together we will deepen our capacity to serve, to respond to God’s call, and to grow our willingness and openness to be stewards of God’s gifts.

Our Community
We welcome and build community. We seek to strengthen communication so that we are empowered to be a caring community. We strive to establish a parish culture where all are truly welcomed and all are welcoming. We encourage all to engage and share their gifts and wisdom. We work to develop activities and programs so our parishioners and members of the larger community can experience God’s love, joy, companionship, hope and a sense of community.

We invite everyone to join us wherever you are on your spiritual journey.  Our worship is participatory and based on the Book of Common Prayer.  We also incorporate contemporary elements.  We are a small community, and here you will know one another. Just come as you are.

Expect to be noticed. Expect people to reach out to you in love.

We use the Book of Common Prayer as the basis of our worship.  We offer multiple service times and formats.  We offer a variety of traditional and contemporary worship music from the 1982 Hymnal, Lift Every Voice and Sing, Wonder Love and Praise and other resources. 

Our Core Values

We Worship
We come together weekly to experience God’s love, to hear the Gospel message, to give thanks for God’s love for us through prayers and songs, and to be renewed through the Holy Eucharist. We nurture the spirituality of our children and youth connecting Jesus’ message with their daily experience. We continue our worship with our coffee hour. Come join us.

We Welcome & Build Community
We welcome all who are on a spiritual journey in Christ, no matter where that journey began. We foster strong relationships and communication so all feel at home at St. John’s.

We Partner & Give Service
We partner with other faith-based and community organizations to promote God’s love and justice. We seek to follow Jesus’s call to make a better world through the collective power of faith communities.

We Are Stewards
We are stewards of God’s creation, giving our time and talent to be caretakers of our world, our environment, and God’s people. We are stewards of the properties and finances of the church.

We Learn & Grow
We are committed to deepening our spirituality and strengthening our faith in God, individually and corporately; to celebrate God’s love; to discerning what God calls us to do in our society and in our lives; and to celebrating, appreciating and respecting our differences and diversity.